Postponed - SE Qld Army Apprentice School Reunion 2020

Postponed - SE Qld Army Apprentice School Reunion 2020

From 06.06.2020 11:00 until 06.06.2020 16:00

At Bulimba Bowls Club

0412 721 761

Categories: Army Apprentices Association

Hits: 999

Function Outline

Important Notice: 2020 Reunion Brisbane - Postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions - Will be rescheduled for later in the year

The reunion is open to Ex-Apprentices, their families, ex-members of staff and any other  personnel who were associated with Apprentices and wish to renew old friendships.


Saturday 6th June 2020


1100 - 1600

Venue / Address

Bulimba Bowls Club / Thynne  Road, Balmoral (Access off Quinn st, )


There will be a “Sausage Sizzle” at lunch, but feel free to bring your own, if you wish.  There is a large outdoor barbecue available for use.


Drinks will be available for purchase at the bar


Neat Casual


Purchase own drinks


To Brian Daley, email address above

Function Coordinator(s) Details

Brian Daley - 14th MV

Additional Information

If you know of any Ex-Apprentices who may not be aware of the reunion taking place could you please make an effort to pass this information on, also if you have access to any means of advertising the reunion, please feel free to do just that.